How Does SEO Work in Digital Marketing?

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Ever wonder how SEO works in digital marketing?

Looking for an effective way to drive traffic to your site and attract more buyers to your business through organic searches?

Feeling powerless by the infinite sorts of digital marketing you may use?

I’m here to help with trying to explain – how does SEO work in digital marketing.

Digital marketing is not just a buzzword at networking events. You would like to know the categories of digital marketing at your disposal. You would like to use these ways to remain afloat in an ever growing ocean of digital competition to stand out in the crowd.

Take your time and ask yourself this very simple but important question: Do I really know what Digital Marketing is?

If you said no, that’s okay.

In this article and the follow up one, we will discuss the ins and outs of digital marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) and how best to increase your website’s traffic and revenue with one of the best SEO tools in the world – SEMrush.

In the end, you will be confident in your ability to use digital marketing and in particular search engine optimization with SEMrush as an effective part of your overall marketing strategy.

What Is Digital Marketing?

What is digital marketing?

Any sort of marketing for merchandise or services that use electronic devices like computers, mobile phones, tablets, etc.

Digital marketing and promotion are nothing new. Digital marketing came on to the scene as electronic devices entered our lives decades ago. Folks typically assume that digital marketing is all about content promotion and social media. Whereas these exist as types of digital marketing, but they’re not all-encompassing.

Types of Digital Marketing

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Pay-Per-Click Advertising
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Viral Marketing
  • Mobile Phone Advertising

What is SEO and Why is SEO Important for your Digital Marketing?

You’ve most likely heard a hundred times that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an important digital marketing tool.

Even if you’ve got a basic understanding of what SEO entails, most of us will still not have a solid grasp on this advanced and multi-faceted creature.

SEO is made up of many different elements, and knowing what they are and how they work is key to understanding why SEO is so important.

In short, SEO is important because it makes your web site a lot more visible, which means more traffic and a lot of opportunities to convert prospects into customers. Which leads to an increase of revenue and profits.

The Crucial Elements of SEO

1. Keywords

The days when keywords were the only SEO technique that mattered are long gone, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t always crucial. The distinction is that nowadays, keywords should be well-researched, rigorously chosen, and judiciously utilized in your content in order to be effective.

2. Content

Content is an essential element of SEO because it is the vehicle you use to reach and engage the public. Content comes in many forms, including web page content, videos, blogs, computer graphics, podcasts, white papers and e-books, social media publications, local lists, and more.

3. Off-Page SEO

Off-page referencing involves external optimization practices that occur outside of your site rather than on it. The main technique used for off-page SEO is linking to your site because quality links to your site from external sites indicate to search engines that your site is valuable and of high quality, which reinforces your topical authority.

4. Local SEO

Local SEO is becoming increasingly important as more and more people use mobile devices to conduct searches. Today, 57% of all searches are performed from tablets and smartphones, and half of these searches are for local results. Think “plumber in New York” type of searches.

Search Engine Marketing

Search engine marketing (SEM) refers to paid marketing efforts and includes things like native ads, Google AdWords, social media ads, pay per click, Google Ads, display ads, and more.

Although SEM is not usually a major component of an overall SEO strategy, it has its place because it can help you reach new, highly targeted audiences.

Understanding the Importance of SEO for Modern Businesses

1. Visibility and Rankings

One of the most important functions of SEO is to increase visibility, which means that it is easier for prospects to find you when they are looking for something you have to offer. Visibility is directly related to your ranking.

2. Web Traffic

Increasing web traffic is one of the main goals of SEO, and you increase traffic when you increase visibility and rankings. Consider this for a moment: almost 33% of clicks go to the first page of the ranking, and the top five lists get more than 75% of all clicks.

3. Authority

The concept of authority is relatively new in SEO, but it is becoming more and more important for search engines because it is more and more important for Internet users. When you hear that a website has Authority, it essentially means that your website is trustworthy, it is a high-quality website, relevant and has something to offer to people that visit it. The more authority your site has, the higher your ranking will be, and the more prospects will trust your brand.

4. Growth

Ultimately, the ultimate reason SEO is essential is that it can help you achieve many of your business goals. SEO is a great way to help you build an amazing relationship with your audience, increase the customer experience, improve your online and offline authority, attract more people to your site. SEO is also a great way to give you an edge over the competition, and increase conversions, which means more sales, more loyal customers, and more growth for your business.

SEO Strategy

1. Who is in your target market?

These days, SEO is not just about the amount of traffic website gets, but instead, it is about attracting high-value visitors – prospects that are interested in what you offer.

2. Most people search on mobile devices

Optimizing websites for mobile browsing devices is very important and very critical if you want to rank well in search engine results pages, like, and more.

3. Search engines are expanding

A significant portion of searches takes place on alternative sites, such as Microsoft’s Bing, Ask, Yandex and more. It will be a great idea to search for your website or blog on Google alternatives to see your website performance, ranking.

4. What’s your audience searching for?

Changes in search habits are usually subtle and unusual, but will affect which keywords will be most valuable for your site/website or blog. Instead of spending the majority of your time focusing on keywords that get you more and more traffic, you should instead focus on those that translate into conversions, revenue, and profits. You need to think like your audience – step into their shoes.

5. Simple navigation and quality content is King

A well organized and user-friendly website, with interesting and easy-to-find data or information, will boost the number of visitors to the website. Each page on your website needs to be built around your targeted keyword, with unique and quality content, so search engines can easily index your website and rank you higher not just on Google, but also on Google alternatives.

6. Links to your site are extremely valuable

Today, the value of a link to your site depends on the quality of the site that linked to you. Just a few links to your business from high authority and traffic websites (website with high domain authority, high trust flow) will do wonders for your ranking on search engines!

7. Social media plays an important role

Social media is an evolving platform that is changing every day, it has changed from a basic communication platform to a highly profitable promotion and selling platforms. Learning about the various social media platforms and utilize the ones where your target audiences are.

8. Data analysis is key to SEO

Monitoring your website performance and ranking on search engines is key to getting better results in search engines. You can start by tracking the most important website metrics such as domain authority, trust flow, backlinks and more to set a baseline for your site’s performance. Make small, but useful changes to your articles or web content and see if you notice a change or improvement in your site traffic or rankings. Avoid making multiple unrelated changes at the same time, so you can always keep track of what was responsible for the improved performance of your content, website.

We See That SEO is Important, Now What?

It’s clear that SEO is complex and has many angles to it. There’s no simple formula that you can follow, so it “just works.” There are many tools that claim to be the solution, but in reality, they all have their advantages and disadvantages.

In the next article, I’ll review my go-to SEO tool, SEMrush. Give you some insight into what it can do and why I use it.

This was another lengthy blog article, so here’s a recap of the main points:

What are 10 Main Types of Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing comes in many forms as there are all types of electronic devices nowadays. Here are just some of the digital marketing types:

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
2. Search Engine Marketing
3. Pay-Per-Click Advertising
4. Social Media Marketing
5. Content Marketing
6. Affiliate Marketing
7. Influencer Marketing
8. Email Marketing
9. Viral Marketing
10. Mobile Phone Advertising

SEO is Vital to Digital Marketing, But What Are the 4 Crucial Elements of SEO?

Understanding the multiple, core elements of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) will lead to an increase of revenue and profits:

1. Keywords
2. Content
3. Off-Page SEO
4. Local SEO

What are 4 Ways SEO Helps Your Business?

We all know SEO is important, but how does it actually help?

1. Visibility and Rankings
2. Web Traffic
3. Authority
4. Growth

What are 8 Key Elements to Create a SEO Strategy?

Be sure to have a SEO plan and strategy that includes key elements:

1. Who is in your target market?
2. Most people search on mobile devices
3. Search engines are expanding
4. What’s your audience searching for?
5. Simple navigation and quality content is King
6. Links to your site are extremely valuable
7. Social media plays an important role
8. Data analysis is key to SEO